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Invasion of Muslim migrants in 2015

threatens the existence of the peoples of Europe


Dear readers,

Dear young people !


The invasion of Muslim migrants from Asia and Africa (mainly from Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan, Kenya and Nigeria) to Western and Central Europe, which has been single-handedly made possible by the irresponsible actions of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) against the interests of the German-speaking population in Europe, threatens ALL the peoples of the Christian tradition in Western and Central Europe.


While the politicians of the leading industrial states of Germany, France and England are now totally clueless in this chaos and do not know how they should protect their 'burning house', fortunately

Václav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic (2003-2013),

has formulated the following Protest and Appeal, which WE ALL MUST SIGN for the following reasons:


1. We must keep the Western Christian culture of the Hellenic style, in a free democratic society.

2. We do not want to be economically and socially ruined by a invading army from Syria and other countries of millions of men in the best age for military service between 18 and 35 years, and then be oppressed by them in a not-too distant future.

3. We never want to be ruled by the fanatical rules of the Islam religion, and see all of Europe destroyed.


Please read the following appeal of the former President Václav Klaus and sign on his website the appeal to the politicians of Europe to represent the interests of their people for freedom.

This is for us and for the future generations of fundamental importance.


(Signed: Citizens Committee Free Europe 2015)



An Appeal of the European Citizens to their Governments and Parliaments


We, the undersigned citizens do not wish to look on in passivity, seeing our state institutions and political representatives are wasting time at this crucial hour, failing to fulfil their duty, which is--first and foremost--the defense of the security and interests of their citizens. Massive immigration is a fundamental threat to the stability of Europe as well as individual EU countries. We are confronted with a serious threat to the future of our country.

We do care about the suffering of the victims of wars and other disasters in this world, but we refuse the manipulation of public opinion based on the abuse of natural feelings of solidarity with migrants. We refuse the substitution of the migration problem debate with a discussion on whether the people of Europe are sympathetic enough with other cultures, religions, races and ethnic groups. We see undeniable hazards and threats stemming from the artificial mixing of disparate nations, cultures and religions.

The European governments facing these dangerous developments are passive and alibistic. They lack sufficient resilience vis-à-vis increasing pressure, coming from the leaders of European big countries, who wish to sacrifice our vital national interests for the sake of their own political intentions.

It is unacceptable for us to violate the rules of the Schengen area under the aegis of the EU, under pressure coming mostly from Germany and France, and it is impossible to threaten to impose EU sanctions on countries such as Hungary, who wish to uphold these rules.

We disagree, when the justified concerns of a large part of our citizens, facing the destructive tide of migration, are played down, silenced and scandalized by the mainstream media. Instead, all kinds of elitist groups posing as scientists, academics or would-be moral authorities are presented as the norm of public opinion.


For all the above mentioned reasons we call on the European governments to

- protect inner security and outer inviolability of state borders, using all means available (including the use of police and army). To enforce the legal order of individual countries as well as internationally accepted obligations, and prevent the rise of chaos, already existing in connection with the migrant crisis in a number of countries;

- not to accept on the level of the EU any quotas or similar measures, through which migrants are to be "assigned" to individual EU countries (even when it is against their own will), and to make sure that countries, functioning as "entrance" for the immigration wave, fulfil their duties, and return migrants to their countries;

- to insist on respecting the valid asylum agreements and refuse the efforts to change them, in order to facilitate and stimulate immigration. Currently debated changes in international agreements and legal norms should be subjected by the government to the approval of citizens in a referendum or, alternatively, such a mandate should be sought in early elections.


Signature number one: Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (2003-2013), September 4, 2015


 To sign this petition, please go to this page:


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Copyright 2015 Prometheus

PROMETHEUS, Internet Bulletin for Art, News, Politics and Science, Nr. 218, October 2015