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Fortuna, the Goddess of Fortune

A noble bronze by Arno Breker in timeless beauty



Fortuna, the Roman Goddess of good luck and wealth. Arno Breker created this fine bronze in everlasting beauty. The famous sculptor pays homage to a popular symbol, which is thousands of years old, from the antiquity to the 21st century. One bronze of this limited edition is in the collection of www.museum-arno-breker.org and the US-Museum of European Art www.meaus.com If you are interested in this bronze sculpture, please contact zavrel@meaus.com in USA, or in Europe info@europaeische-kultur-stiftung.org for more details on this artwork.

© Photograph Marco Bodenstein / Marco-VG



Berlin/New York (bpb) Fortuna, the Roman Goddess of Fortune, has kept her popolarity for thousands of years. The sculptor of last century, Arno Breker,has created this symbolical figure from mythology as a noble bronze sculpture. He has concentrated on the pure form of the beautiful body, and did not use any embelishments. In Fortuna, he created a graceful female form of timeless beauty.

Breker perveives the Goddess of Fortune here also as one to be adored, who calles down from the heavens gifts for all those who believe in her. The bronze stands on a marble stand, and is about 29 centimeters high. It was published to art lovers in a limited edition of 250 exemplairs. The patina is brown or classical green. More details can be obtained in USA from zavrel@meaus.com and in Eurooe from info@europaeische-kultgur-stiftung.org

The master's place in art history: the sculptural work of Arno Breker, a friend of Mailoll, Liebermann, Fuchs and Dali, belongs the the most significant witnesses of European art history. Alexander Calder said in 1974 in New York: „Arno Breker is the most significant sculptor of the classical tradition of our time."

Salvador Dali, who sat as model for Breker for a portrait-bust, said with enchantment about his friend: „God is beauty and Arno Breker is his his prophet."

Dali also said that Breker with his art would be worthy of the famous Roman emperor Trajan. Trajan built a great, central temple to the Goddess Fortuna in Rome, and worshipped her with great devotion. In this way, there is connection between the emperor Trajan and Breker over the millennia in their appreciation of Fortuna. Her name and symbolism remains firmly established in our everyday language even in our modern times.



© PROMETHEUS 97/2005


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Nr. 97, JULY 2005