Swami Hariharananda at a lecture at the Museum of European Art in Clarence, New York in the fall of 2000.
20-31 .....HOLLAND
10-19 .....MILWAUKEE
19-30 .....ST. PAUL
July 1-31 .....MINNEAPOLIS (Meditation Center)
1-8 .....MENOMONIE
16-19 .....TORONTO
19-31 .....MINNEAPOLIS (Meditation Center)
1-18 .....MINNEAPOLIS (Meditation Center)
19-22 .....CHICAGO
22-30 .....NEW JERSEY
30 .....arrive in AVERILL PARK, NY (Albany area)
1-9 .....AVERILL PARK, NY (Albany area)
18-26 .....TRINIDAD
26 .....Back to INDIA
Toli (birthplace of H.H. Swami Rama of the Himalayas) .........
In 2001, Swami Hari inaugurated the "Swami Rama Computer School' and unveiled the bronze portrait-bust "SWAMI RAMA OF THE HIMALAYAS' by the German sculptor Kurt Arentz
Swami Hari from Tarkeshwar, by Consul B. John Zavrel
Swami Rama of the Himalayas, by Consul B. John Zavrel
Copyright 2003 West-Art, Prometheus 88/2003