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Tian De Legumes

(Layered Vegetable Gratin)


2 small onions

1 large eggplant

1 green, 1 yellow squash

2 tomatoes

1 peeled garlic clove

thyme, salt, and olive oil


Preheat oven to 350°.


Wash and cut vegetables into thin rounds (maybe 1/3 inch or less). Cut garlic clove in half and rub the bottom and sides of a gratin dish. Sprinkle some thyme. Add the sliced onion in a single layer. Sprinkle with salt, thyme, and drizzle with olive oil.

Continue layering with the eggplant, then squash or zucchini, and tomato; salting, thyming and oiling each layer.


Cover with aluminum foil, cook about 1 hour 10 min at 350° until vegetables are tender (eggplant finishes last).


Try putting grated cheese on top of the tomatoes with a few minutes left, or adding fried mushrooms. Serve with rice.



From Bistro Cooking, by Patricia Wells. Workman Publishing, 1989.


Copyright 2004 West-Art, Prometheus 91/2004

PROMETHEUS, Internet Bulletin for Art, Politics and Science, Nr. 91, Spring 2004