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Curry may prevent prostate cancer

A combination of the curry and dark vegetables shows much potential


By B. John Zavrel


Bengali Dal, a popular Indian dish. For those interested in trying out some tasty and healthy Indian dishes containing curry, cumin, turmeric and corriander, can get easily started with some easy recipes at AHIMSA COOKBOOK.


Every year, more than 500,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the United States. In spite of general advances of the medical science, it has not been possible to find effective remedies for treatment and cure of this disease. It remains # 2 cause of death from cancer in American men, since advanced cases are barely responsive to either chemotherapy or radiation.

A recent study at Rutgers University, headed by Professor Ah-Ng Tony Kong, suggests that a diet containing a combination of curry and dark green vegetables may be effective in preventing, and even partially curing prostate cancer.

Dark green leafy vegetables like kale, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts and watercress contain a chemical that is a significant cancer preventive: PEITC (phenethyl isothiocyanate). And curry contains curcumin, a yellow pigment found in the spice itself. Combining these two seems to hold a real potential in treating established prostate cancer, and also in preventing the disease, according to Prof. Kong. Originally, he was inspired to do research in this area based on the fact that prostate cancer is a rare disease in India, where a diet of curry and dark, leafy vegetables is commonplace.

For those interested in trying out some tasty and healthy Indian dishes containing curry, cumin, turmeric and corriander, can get easily started with some easy recipes at AHIMSA COOKBOOK.


And, for an easy recipe for cooking dark leafy vegetables one can start with this one: (Preparation time: about 15 minutes)

1 bunch dark leafy greens: spinach, kale, collards, chard

1/4 cup water

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 teaspoon whole cumin seeds

1 teaspoon coriander powder

1 clove garlic, minced


Wash and chop greens, cutting out the stems. Bring water to boil. Put in chopped greens, cover and lower heat to simmer for 7 to 15 minutes, or until greens are tender.

Heat oil in small frying pan over low heat. Add cumin seeds. When they begin to brown, stir in coriander and garlic. Brown; do not burn. Pour mixture over drained greens, mixing well. Serve immediately.




© PROMETHEUS 104/2006

PROMETHEUS, Internet Bulletin for Art, News, Politics and Science. Nr. 104, FEBRUARY 2006