December 30, 2007


Internet Bulletin - News, Politics, Art and Science

Number 126 ............................................................................... December 2007

B. JOHN ZAVREL, Publisher .................................................Copyright ©2007 West-Art



Russia's popular President Putin will continue to be involved in the country's political life in the coming years of world-wide turmoil. For our article, see Putin accuses west and opponents of plot ...



Reports from around the World ...

Brasil: John of God cures thousands of incurable diseases

Langley/Washington: Merry Christmas, Mr. President, by Eric Margolis

Buffalo: Art exhibition "ODE TO PEACE"

Boston: LINCOLN WAS WRONG: Remembering John F. Kennedy

Los Angeles: New Salvador Dali exhibition in Los Angeles

Jerusalem: Mata Hari of Israel Remembers

Rome: Pope to purge the Vatican of modern music

Moscow: Putin accuses west and opponents of plot



Prominent Germans in the exhibition of the Museums Europäische Kunst of the European Art Foundation Berlin ( ) at the Nörvenich Castle near Cologne. The portraits by Helga Tiemann show the German Chancellors Helmut Kohl (left) and Konrad Adenauer (right). In the center is the marble bust of the writer Gerhart Hauptmann, who had received the Nobel Prize for Literature. The bust was creaded in 1942 by his friend Arno Breker in Berlin.

© Foto Mueseum/Marco-VG



News from Museum of European Art ...

Art exhibition "ODE TO PEACE" (December 4 to January 31, 2008)

An urgent appeal to our friends & supporters



Interviews, Lectures, Speeches & Eye-Witness Reports ...

LINCOLN WAS WRONG: Remembering John F. Kennedy, by John Chuckman

EKS-Präsident bei Gedenkfeier der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, von B. John Zavrel



The Brasilian healer John of God: thousands of people cured over the years. For our article, see Brazil's John of God cures thousands of incurable diseases



New Exhibitions & Arts News ...

New Salvador Dali exhibition in Los Angeles

Art: Adenauer Porträt Lithographie von Helga Tiemann



Boulevard News & Photographs ...  

Deutsche Krebshilfe erhielt bei ZDF Gala über vier Millionen Euro, von Joe F. Bodenstein




 The Pope Benedict wants to widen the use of Gregorian chant and baroque sacred music. For our article, see Pope to purge the Vatican of modern music ...



Literature, Poetry & Music ... 

Pope to purge the Vatican of modern music, by Malcolm Moore

Helga Tiemann Erinnerungen zum 90. Geburtstag, von Joe F. Bodenstein



Politics & Current International Developments ...   

*** Final disgrace for Bush & Co, by Eric Margolis (Toronto Sun)

*** Dmitri Medvedev Is Consensus Candidate To Succeed Putin

The Annapolis Conference: Dead Man Walking, by John Chuckman

Gedenken an gefallene Soldaten am Volkstrauertag im Reichstag. von Joe F. Bodenstein



Video Clips ...

*** What the Mormons believe ... US presidential candidate Huckabee turns hilarious

"The End of America". Amy Goodman interviews the author Naomi Wolf.




Natalia, a top Russian model poses in the snow-covered Moscow in the winter of 2007.



Art of Our Time & Offers to Art Collectors ...

Books from Museum of European Art




Photography, Film, Theater & TV ...   



The Order of Alexander the Great for Art and Science ...

A Castle for the Alexander Order

The Order of Alexander the Great



 ODE TO PEACE, a bronze sculpture by Renate Stendar. This will be one of the first works to be installed in summer 2008 in the future Alexander Sculpture Garden in Clarence, New York. For our article, see Art exhibition "ODE TO PEACE"

Photo: meaus



Health, Science and Ecology ...

Brazil's John of God cures thousands of incurable diseases



Editorials and Letters to the Editor from our readers ... 

Bombed If You Do, Bombed If You Don't, by Ron Paul (US Congress)

DAY OF RECKONING FOR AMERICA. A new book by Patrick Buchanan

Putin accuses west and opponents of plot, by Neil Buckley



Benefit events and initiatives ...   

*** Sculpture Garden Alexander the Great


"America is coming apart, decomposing, and...the likelihood of her survival as one improbable -- and impossible if America continues on her current course," declares Pat Buchanan. "For we are on a path to national suicide." For our article, see DAY OF RECKONING FOR AMERICA ...



Human rights, Holocausts and Individual Freedoms in our times ...

Mata Hari of Israel Remembers, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Genocide in Tibet by China, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Expulsion of Germans in Europe (1945 & 1946), by Dr. Alfred de Zayas  



Yoga Science & Philosophy in the 21st Century

Lectures on Yoga Philosophy and Practice (audio tapes)

Swami Veda, Rishi Veda: A Sage for the 21st Century

Friends of Gurukulam. A selection of articles by and about Swami Veda.



Art History & Architecture in Facts & Photos ... 

Books from Museum of European Art



The portrait of Konrad Adenauer. Lithograph by Helga Tiemann. A masterful graphic work of an artist, for whom Germany's first post-war Chancellor Konrad Adenauer sat in person as model. For our article, see Adenauer Porträt Lithographie von Helga Tiemann ...

© Foto Marco J.Bodenstein / Marco-VG



Interesting international websites ... 


DNA Ancestry Project

The Insider

Executive Intelligence Report

Pravda (Photo-reports from Russia)

Der Spiegel - International edition



  Previous recent issues of the PROMETHEUS Journal:

PROMETHEUS 125 (November, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 124 (October, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 123 (September, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 122 (August, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 121 (July, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 120 (June, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 119 (May, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 118 (April, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 117 (March, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 116 (February, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 115 (January, 2007)

PROMETHEUS 114 (December, 2006)

PROMETHEUS 113 (November, 2006)



INDEX to all previous issues



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PROMETHEUS, The Bulletin of Art for: Museum of European Art (USA), Museum Europäische Kunst (Germany), Forum Europa (Germany, Belgium), Order of Alexander the Great (France), Artists for Ecology (United States, Germany), and European Art Foundation (Berlin).

Published for these organizations by: West-Art Publishers, 10545 Main Street, Clarence, New York 14031 (USA). Tel.: 716-759-6078 Fax 716-759-1983. e-mail:

Editor-in-Chief: Joe F. Bodenstein

Publisher: B. John Zavrel



Copyright 2007 Museum of European Art

PROMETHEUS, Internet Bulletin - News, Politics, Art and Science.

Nr. 126, December 2007