The photo shows her
sculpture 'Ode to Peace' in the Alexander Sculpture Garden in
Clarence, New York.
**** Sculptor Renate Stendar: In Memoriam
**** Corona Virus: Guter Rat zur Isolation in der Wohnung, von Pharmazeut Sigurd K. Kuepper
**** Europas Traum von "United States of Europe" ost geplatzt, von B. John Zavrel
Current Exhibition
Hours open:
Museum of European Art, 10545 Main Street, Clarence, NY 14031
Tuesday through Friday, 10-12 and 1-4
Other times can be arranged by appointment.
Please contact John Zavrel at or cell (716) 290-3796.
Web site
Free admission.
Der Bildhauer, Maler und Graphiker Peter Hohberger wird 80 Jahre. Durch seine Vielseitigkeit im künstlerischen Bereich gehört er zu den Multitalenten. Er hatte seine Karriere als Schauspieler im Theater begonnen, im Film und als Rezitator fortgesetzt und schließlich sein Ziel erreicht als Bildhauer.
The Brandenburger Gate" in Berlin: a place of German, European and world history of the 20th and 21st centuries. It has seen revolutions, wars and periods of peaace. The monument is one of the most world-wide known photographic motifs from Germany.
© Foto: Dietmar Friton / Museum Europäische Kunst/Marco-VG.
For our article, see Dietmar Friton: Brandenburger Tor Berlin als Welt-Symbol ...
Freunde der Heimat auf Schloss Nörvenich
Heimat- und Geschichtsverein der Gemeinde als Gastgeber
Lajos Tar in concert: The Hungarian guitar virtuoso, composer and church musician, despite his many various duties in Europe, became engaged also in benefit events in his professional and social area. "Through the many facets of my music, I want to build the bridges of understanding", says Tar, who can be reached in Germany through the Europäische Kultur-Stiftung (at the Nörvenich Castle near Cologne).
This intention also corresponds to the global thinking of the former US President Ronald Reagan, who was very friendly towards Europe, and who in a letter to the EKS foundation wrote:
We must build cathedrals of peace,
where the people can live in peace."
Foto: bpb-press
For our article, see Lajos Tar gab Benefiz-Konzert für Ungarn im Ausland ...
The German politician Thilo Sarrazin is presently the most courageous European politician, who openly criticizes the wrong policiees of the political establishment. The leading German magazines DER SPIEGEL and BILD ZEITUNG have reported on his best-seller book, titled "Germany Destroys Itself".
The governing parties CDU/CSU and SPD, together with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel do nor respond to his criticism.
For our article, see Thilo Sarrazin kritisiert Migrations-Politik: Angst vor der Zukunft in Europa ...
Arno Breker and German Design of the Third Reich, von B. John Zavrel
Hommage a Wilson Greatbatch: 100 Jahre, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Peter Hohberger zum 80. Geburtstag: Die Antike lebt!, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Dietmar Friton: Brandenburger Tor Berlin als Welt-Symbol, von B. John Zavrel
**** Freunde der Heimat auf Schloss Nörvenich
*** Lajos Tar gab Benefiz-Konzert für Ungarn im Ausland, von bpb-Korrespondent István Aron (Budapest)
*** Thilo Sarrazin kritisiert Migrations-Politik: Angst vor der Zukunft in Europa, von B. John Zavrel
*** Sorge im den Dalai Lama: Träger des Friedens-Nobelpreis im Krankenhaus, von Joe F. Bodenstein
*** Terror-Anschlag in Sri Lanka: 300 Tode und 450 Verletzt
Foto: press-pool
For our article, see Terror-Anschlag in Sri Lanka: 300 Tode und 450 Verletzt
The Dalai Lama as a young man. The photo was taken by the correspondent Joe F. Bodenstein from the world-wide press agency AP (New York), a short time after the escape in 1959 of the Buddhist leader from the invading Chinese occupation soldiers in Tibet. He was the first international correspondent, who due to security reasons, met the Dalai Lama at a secret location: in a camp in the Himalayas, protected by the Indian solders from China, which considered the world known refugee as its enemy. "The young man about 6 ft tall also asked me question, which showed me that he had knowledge about world events and history. Despite his bad political situation with the justified worries that he could be handed over by India to his haters in Peking, he was calm and collected. His opinions about the future and politics in general gave me confidence in him, which was confirmed by future professional contacts over decades.
© Foto: Joe F. Bodenstein / Marco-VG bpb-press.
For our article, see Sorge im den Dalai Lama: Träger des Friedens-Nobelpreis im Krankenhaus ...
Dante Climbs from Sin to Repentance, by B. John Zavrel (Part 1 of 6)
Dante's passage through the Needle's Eye, by B. John Zavrel (Part 2 of 6)
Dante and the Whip of Wrath, by B. John Zavrel (Part 3 of 6)
Dante and the Rein of Avarice, by B. John Zavrel (Part 4 of 6)
Dante and the Lustful (Part 5 of 6)
Dante and Beatrice in the Earthly Paradise (Part 6 of 6)
Max Raabe Live - J'attendrai & Schöne Isabella von Kastilien
Portrait Wilson Greatbatch by Peter Hohberger
Buffalo German Club SCHLARAFFIA
**** Schlaraffia Bisonia Club--Schedule of Weekly Meetings in 2018/2019
Knights meet in Buffalo for friendship, art and humor, by B. John Zavrel
"Schlaraffia" turned 150 years. Keeping up tradition, language and friendship, by B. John Zavrel
SPECIAL BOOKS available ONLY from the Museum of European Art
PROMETHEUS 247 (January/April 2019)
PROMETHEUS 246 (November/December, 2018)
PROMETHEUS 245 (July/October, 2018)
PROMETHEUS 244 (May/June, 2018)
PROMETHEUS 243 (March/April, 2018)
PROMETHEUS 242 (January/February, 2018)
Freunde der Heimat auf Schloss Nörvenich
Thilo Sarrazin kritisiert Migrations-Politik: Angst vor der Zukunft in Europa, von B. John Zavrel
Sorge im den Dalai Lama: Träger des Friedens-Nobelpreis im Krankenhaus, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Terror-Anschlag in Sri Lanka: 300 Tode und 450 Verletzt
Lajos Tar gab Benefiz-Konzert für Ungarn im Ausland, von bpb-Korrespondent István Aron (Budapest)
President Donald Trump and "The Wall of Security for USA". Trump is right: Build the Wall, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Lions-Club: John Gilbert Bodenstein. Eine amerikanische Erfindung" mit großem Erfolg in Europa