January 23, 2014: Dalí died 25 years ago ...
Salvador Dali with a tame ocelot in the year 1965 in New York. The acquisition of several of these fascinating animals was arranged by Dalí's manager and friend, Captain Peter Moore. He kept the animals in his garden park with a swimming-pool (also for the animals) in Cadaques. Dalí took out the unusual animals to his great public appearances. They were also admired, when Dalí had receptions for the media in his house at the sea, or in Paris. For our article, see Salvador Dalí died 25 years ago ...
Foto: wikipedia
**** Salvador Dalí died 25 years ago, by B. John Zavrel
**** Carmen Nebel wirbt für Spenden an die Deutsche Krebshilfe, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Hitler-Sekretärin Gerda Christian: 100. Geburtstag
**** Salvador Dalí starb vor 25 Jahren, von B. John Zavrel
**** Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel regiert in Deutschland weiter, von B. John Zavrel
**** So wohnt der deutsche Papst im Vatikan, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Südafrikas Nationalheld Nelson Mandela ist tot, von B. John Zavrel
Mit ihrem Spendenappell im Kampf gegen den Krebs will Carmen Nebel die Herzen und die Vernunft der Menschen ansprechen mit der bitteren Erkenntnis: Krebs kann jeden von uns treffen. Das Foto zeigt die beliebte ZDF-Moderatorin mit einem Textauszug aus dem Aufruf. Er ist im Magazin der Deutschen Krebshilfe" veröffentlicht ist. For our article, see Carmen Nebel wirbt für Spenden an die Deutsche Krebshilfe ...
Foto: Marco-VG, Bonn
The inventor Wilson Greatbatch, by B. John Zavrel
"The dehumanization of art" and "Mules, without understanding", by Oleg Korolev
Elvis Presley liked it soft and sweet
At the Pope's Gate" of the cloister in the Vatican garden, the former Pope Benedikt XVI. greeted his successor Francis. Both met the day before the Holy Night, in order to exchange Christmas greetings. Both Popes wore plain white gowns, without any ornaments. In the rich countries of the world are many Catholics who consider such ostensible shows of solidarity with the poor as being "overdone" by the new Pope. Catholics in Germany are considered to be world-masters in giving donations and helping others. At the same time, they want from their Catholic Church to honor God and the saints in a magnificent and splendid manner. For our article, see So wohnt der deutsche Papst im Vatikan ...
Foto: Osservatore Romano
**** Exhibition "DANTE AND DALI" at Museum of European Art
Knights meet in Buffalo for friedship, art and humor, by B. John Zavrel
Schlaraffia" turns 150 years: Keeping Up Tradition, Language and Friendship, by B. John Zavrel
A historical document: Adolf Hitler (right) greets his secretary Gerda Christian at an evening reception. Next to her stands another private secretary Christa Schröder, who was hired by Hitler several years earlier. The Führer" had treated all four of his private secretaries equally with respect, was reported by eye-witnesses. The photograph, taken more than 70 years ago, was taken with a "normal camera" at the time, which explains the lower quality of the photo. For our article, see Hitler-Sekretärin Gerda Christian: 100. Geburtstag ...
Foto: Dara/Marco-VG
Pictures done in various techniques from the art cache of 2012 in Munich, Germany. It was confiscated from an 81-year old srt dealer. According to experts, such pictures were not sold because they are "beautiful". They were bought by speculators in the hopes that this art, formerly condemned by the NS leadership as "Degenerate art" , would be a good investment. Thus, the former average art dealers have eventually become art stars, thanks to the unsuccessful campaign of the national socialists. The benefactors were largely their heirs. For our article, see Entartete Kunst" Bilderfund löste Hysterie in Deutschland aus ...
Foto: Justiz-Archiv
The inventor Wilson Greatbatch, by B. John Zavrel
For Wilson Greatbatch's Mother, a poem by Joanne Husney Sullivan
Yukio Mishima: Der Junge der Gedichte schreibt, von B. John Zavrel
The US spying scandal: Europe is helpless, by B. John Zavrel
The "long march" of Nelson Mandela has come to an end: Ten days after his death, South Africa's national hero was buried in his home village Qunu in Dezember 2013. At 12:40 pm local time, the coffin was lowered into the ground in the presence of his family. Some 4,500 invited guests from politics and society had paid him earlier the last respects. Mandela was buried next to his parents and his three children. He personally chose his final resting place, since he had spent in Qunu "some of the happiest years of my childhood". For our article, see Südafrikas Nationalheld Nelson Mandela ist tot ...
Swami Veda takes a 5-year vow of silence
Friends of Gurukulam. Articles on the philosophy & science of yoga
Invitation to support the development of the Alexander Sculpture Garden
GENERAL INFORMATION about the Museum of European Art
The great government coalition in Germany has been established: the leaders of CDU, CSU and SPD--Angela Merkel (center), Horst Seehofer (right) and Sigmar Gabriel--signed the coalition document after a long period of negotiations in Berlin in December 2013. They will collaborate for four years. For our article, see Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel regiert in Deutschland weiter ...
Foto: Press-Pool
SELECTED ARTICLES IN OTHER LANGUAGES (German, French, Spanish & other) ...
**** Carmen Nebel wirbt für Spenden an die Deutsche Krebshilfe, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Hitler-Sekretärin Gerda Christian: 100. Geburtstag
**** Salvador Dalí starb vor 25 Jahren, von B. John Zavrel
**** Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel regiert in Deutschland weiter, von B. John Zavrel
**** So wohnt der deutsche Papst im Vatikan, von Joe F. Bodenstein
**** Südafrikas Nationalheld Nelson Mandela ist tot, von B. John Zavrel
* * * * *
Deutscher Krebskongress 2014 erwartet 10.000 Experten und Fachbesucher, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Entartete Kunst" Bilderfund löste Hysterie in Deutschland aus, von B. John Zavrel
Nationaler Gedenktag für Vertriebene wird von CDU/CSU und SPD unterstützt, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Alexander-Garden in USA als eine Hommage a Christo"
Die Blauen Ratgeber" der Deutschen Krebshilfe sind ein großer Gewinn, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Arno Breker, die Volksrepublik China und Lei Yixin, von B. John Zavrel
Papst Franziskus und Bischof Tebartz-van Elst: Ein Bischof wird geschlachtet, von Joe F. Bodenstein
The US spying scandal: Europa ist hilflos, von B. John Zavrel
Yukio Mishima: Der Junge der Gedichte schreibt, von B. John Zavrel
Museum Hürtgenwald erinnert an Schlacht USA-Deutschland 1945
ZDF-Superschau Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel", von Joe F. Bodenstein
Horror-Nachricht aus Europa: Lampedusa ist eine Insel des Todes", von B. John Zavrel
Deutsche Krebshilfe meldet Erfolg: Masern-Viren gegen Krebs, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Arno Breker, Jean Cocteau und Ostersonntag 1924 in Paris, von B. John Zavrel
120 Burgen und Schlösser in Lithographien von Alexander Duncker
Elvis Presley; We were young and happy, von B. John Zavrel
Angela Merkel und Russland-Deutschen" 2013, von B. John Zavrel
Dustin Hoffmann hatte Krebs-Operation, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Erica Pappritz: Die Hose rutscht
Berthold Beitz ging 2013 in die "Happy hunting ground", von B. John Zavrel
Richard Wagner-Festspiele 2013 spielen a little bit of Hollywood" von B. John Zavrel
Arno-Breker-Gesellschaft 1979 e.V. würdigt den Meister
Peter Hohberger: Orpheus mit Harfe, von Joe F. Bodenstein
Papst Franziskus und die Boat-People von Afrika, von B. John Zavrel
Schloss Nörvenich und die Heimatkunde
Karlspreis der Sudetendeutschen ging an Horst Seehofer
Frankreich-Delegation bei Cocteau-Ausstellung in Deutschland
Previous recent issues of the PROMETHEUS Journal:
PROMETHEUS 196 (December, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 195 (November, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 194 (October, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 193 (September, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 186 (February, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 185 (January, 2013)
PROMETHEUS 184 (December, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 183 (November, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 182 (October, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 181 (September, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 177 (April & May, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 175 (February, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 174 (January, 2012)
PROMETHEUS 173 (December, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 172 (November, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 171 (October, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 170 (September, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 165 (March & April, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 164 (February, 2011)
PROMETHEUS 163 (January, 2011)
INDEX to all previous issues of PROMETHEUS
PROMETHEUS, The Bulletin of Art for: Museum of European Art (USA), Museum Europäische Kunst (Germany), Forum Europa (Germany, Belgium), Order of Alexander the Great (France), Artists for Ecology (United States, Germany), and European Art Foundation (Berlin).
Published for these organizations by: West-Art Publishers, 10545 Main Street, Clarence, New York 14031 (USA). Tel.: 716-759-6078 Fax 716-759-1983. e-mail: zavrel@meaus.com
Editor-in-Chief: Joe F. Bodenstein
Publisher: B. John Zavrel
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The journal PROMETHEUS will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.
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